Crystallography Lab

Guide for Submitting Small Molecule Crystals to the Service Center

Please us the following as a guide for preparing and submitting your samples.

Sample Preparations:

  • CHARACTERIZATION:  Characterize your sample as completely as possible before submission.  I assure you that you will be very embarrassed if your new 'prize' crystals  turn out to be NaCl , starting material, or some other well known substance.
  • SAMPLE CONTAINERS:   Small vials, diffusion tubes and NMR tubes are acceptable; large Erlenmeyers, beakers, and round bottoms are NOT.  NMR and diffusion tubes will be destroyed to access the crystals.  No more than 5 mL solvent is allowed.  The sample container must be well sealed in a non-breakable secondary container suitable for transport to/from the ILSB.
  • LABELING:  Sample must be labeled using a sticker or hang-tag (not Sharpie marker directly on glass).  Label must include your name, your advisor's name, and the exact sample ID used in the online submission form.

Sample Submission

  • COVID-19 PROCEDURE:  Email Carla Slebodnick to schedule a time and place for sample transfer.   Samples must be prepared according to the  criteria above.

  • Bring or send your crystals to Carla Slebodnick for visual screening via one of the options below. 

    OPTION 1:  Come to crystal screening office hours (Mondays 9:30-11 AM) in Hahn Hall North 306E.  No appointment is necessary. 

    OPTION 2:  Bring your crystals to the ILSB to be screened.  Call ahead to make sure Carla is available (office: 231-1848; lab: 231-3136, cell:  540-577-9633).

    OPTION 3:  If you are local to Blacksburg, you can mail your samples to:

    Dr. Carla Slebodnick
    Department of Chemistry
    ILSB, Mail Code 0913
    Virginia Tech
    1981 Kraft Drive, Room 2028
    Blacksburg, VA 24061-0913

  • If you don't yet have an account with the service center, setup an online account here.
  • Login to your account and complete the online submission form.  

For questions contact Dr. Carla Slebodnick by email or at 231-1848.