Guide for Submitting Small Molecule Crystals to the Service Center
Please us the following as a guide for preparing and submitting your samples.
Sample Preparations:
- CHARACTERIZATION: Characterize your sample as completely as possible before submission. I assure you that you will be very embarrassed if your new 'prize' crystals turn out to be NaCl , starting material, or some other well known substance.
- SAMPLE CONTAINERS: Small vials, diffusion tubes and NMR tubes are acceptable; large Erlenmeyers, beakers, and round bottoms are NOT. NMR and diffusion tubes will be destroyed to access the crystals. No more than 5 mL solvent is allowed. The sample container must be well sealed in a non-breakable secondary container suitable for transport to/from the ILSB.
- LABELING: Sample must be labeled using a sticker or hang-tag (not Sharpie marker directly on glass). Label must include your name, your advisor's name, and the exact sample ID used in the online submission form.
Sample Submission
COVID-19 PROCEDURE: Email Carla Slebodnick to schedule a time and place for sample transfer. Samples must be prepared according to the criteria above.
Bring or send your crystals to Carla Slebodnick for visual screening via one of the options below.
OPTION 1: Come to crystal screening office hours (Mondays 9:30-11 AM) in Hahn Hall North 306E. No appointment is necessary.
OPTION 2: Bring your crystals to the ILSB to be screened. Call ahead to make sure Carla is available (office: 231-1848; lab: 231-3136, cell: 540-577-9633).
OPTION 3: If you are local to Blacksburg, you can mail your samples to:
Dr. Carla Slebodnick
Department of Chemistry
ILSB, Mail Code 0913
Virginia Tech
1981 Kraft Drive, Room 2028
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0913 - If you don't yet have an account with the service center, setup an online account here.
- Login to your account and complete the online submission form.
For questions contact Dr. Carla Slebodnick by email or at 231-1848.